Personal Injury Claims

Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority

What is a criminal injury claim?

Government agency that deals with compensation claims for people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the blameless victim of a violent crime in England Scotland or Wales.


Can I claim criminal injury compensation?

  • The Applicant has been physically or mentally injured as a result of a crime of violence during the last two years
  • The crime happened in England, Scotland or Wales
  • The Applicant was a resident in the UK on the date of the violent crime
  • The violent crime was reported to the police as soon as reasonably practicable
  • The applicant has cooperated with the police in bringing the assailant to justice
  • The applicant did not provoke the attack in any way
  • The applicant does not have any unspent convictions

Dawn Bagley

Solicitor - Director of Personal Injury & Medical Negligence

Kathryn Shingles

Senior Associate Solicitor - Personal Injury

Hayley Watson

Legal Clerk - Personal Injury

John Muxworthy

Costs Director and Solicitor

Kirsty Dockerty

Legal Clerk - Personal Injury & Medical Negligence

Lauren Gray

Solicitor - Personal Injury

What type of injuries are covered?

  • Compensation can be awarded for both physical and mental injury
  • Injuries must be serious enough to qualify for at least the minimum award that is payable under the scheme, this is currently set at £1000.00.
  • Compensation will not be awarded for what the CICA deems to be less serious injuries. These include a broken nose, black eyes, or broken ribs.
  • Qualifying criteria can be found under Annex of the CICA guidelines:

Time limits for making a criminal injury claim

Applications must be submitted no later than two years.

Contact our expert team today to arrange a free initial consultation at any of our offices, in Newcastle, Cramlington, Ashington, and Sunderland, or alternatively at your home, to discuss your particular requirements.

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