Asbestos Related Conditions

Pleural Plaques

Making a claim for asbestos-related conditions can be a complex process, which is why it’s important for victims of asbestos exposure to understand their rights and when they can or can’t claim for compensation.

One condition that people who have been exposed to asbestos may develop is the thickening of the lung membrane – the pleura – which is called Pleural Plaques.

Although pleural plaques do not actually cause harm to the victim of asbestos exposure, it may be a sign that you are at a higher risk of developing a further asbestos-related condition like mesothelioma or lung cancer.

Unfortunately, the government ended people’s rights to claim compensation for pleural plaques in England and Wales in 2007.

However, people who have made a claim in the past for pleural plaques may still be entitled to further compensation if they go on to develop further asbestos-related conditions.

What are pleural plaques?

20-30 years after someone is exposed to asbestos, they may go on to develop scar tissue patches in the part of the lung called the pleura. These can harden and become a chalky material called Pleural Plaques.

Pleural plaques are not a form of cancer and typically do not cause any pain.

Dawn Bagley

Solicitor - Director of Personal Injury & Medical Negligence

Kathryn Shingles

Senior Associate Solicitor - Personal Injury

Hayley Watson

Legal Clerk - Personal Injury

John Muxworthy

Costs Director and Solicitor

Kirsty Dockerty

Legal Clerk - Personal Injury & Medical Negligence

What should I do if I think I have developed Pleural Plaques?

It’s likely that you will never experience symptoms from Pleural Plaques and therefore unlikely that you may ever know that you have them.

If you have been exposed to asbestos in the past and start to feel pain in your chest, develop a cough or feel out of breath, contact your GP.

What are my rights if I have made a historic claim for Pleural Plaques?

Thousands of people claimed for Pleural Plaques as part of a Government-funded compensation scheme in the past.

It’s important to understand that even if you have already made a successful claim previously for Pleural Plaques, but go on to develop a further asbestos-related condition, you are still entitled to make a new claim for further compensation.

Contact our specialised team today!

Our specialist asbestos solicitors have helped hundreds of asbestos victims claim for compensation. Contact us to discuss your potential asbestos claim by ringing 0191 691 3416 or filling in our online form to request a callback.

Browell Smith & Co are the leading asbestos solicitor in the North East of England and have been recognised by the Legal 500 for our personal injury services. We have been serving the North East for over 20 years and pride ourselves on our sympathetic, professional services.

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